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A study supporting strategic local elementary school system expansion, while maintaining unique local character in the Boston suburb of Brookline, MA

The Town of Brookline is facing a significant escalation in school enrollments that will require the construction of a 9th elementary (K-8) school. As a largely-developed, streetcar-suburb directly west of Boston, Brookline plays host to a number of neighborhood schools with high levels of pedestrian and bike accessibility, playground space, and parking for teachers and staff. Changing town demographics in Brookline has put increasingly high levels of strain on the Public Schools of Brookline (PSB), pushing already over-capacity school enrollments beyond their limits. Growth projections indicate that this influx of students will continue; this elementary school study explores possible sites for an additional school in order to address enrollment challenges.


CivicMoxie was hired to investigate publicly- and privately-owned parcels that would be suitable for an additional school site, clarify site selection criteria, and test programmatic elements on the selected sites as appropriate. Order-of-magnitude cost estimates, permitting time estimates, and other considerations were examined for the potential sites that were identified from CivicMoxie’s initial list of over 25 possibilities. The CivicMoxie team provided a holistic approach, offering real estate development expertise, local knowledge and familiarity with the neighborhood context, as well as close collaboration with the client to ensure the integration of Town needs, requirements, and constraints into the project. CivicMoxie’s final suggested sites represent a range of options spanning public and private ownership, as well as mixed-use and compact solutions to give the Town flexibility as it moves forward with site selection.


Project type:

Real estate planning, strategic planning, urban design


Brookline School Site Identification Study



Town of Brookline



Brookline, MA



October 2015


Project Type:

Real estate planning, strategic planning, urban design


Project Team:

CivicMoxie (lead)


Urban Focus, LLC


New Atlantic Development Corp.

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