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Want global change? Get local!

Global change doesn’t exist. All change is local. We begin the process of profound change in our backyards by engaging in local actions and collaborations that teach us how politics, social interaction, civic collaboration and negotiation shape our world. In this TEDxBeaconStreet event, Susan Silberberg draws on her MIT research and publications to discuss placemaking–the act of engaging and collaborating with neighbors, friends, and even strangers, to design, shape and maintain our public spaces. She teaches place democracy and how it allows citizens to build their civic muscles and practice skills needed for change the world over. Susan offers three cases in everyday places that illustrate how placemaking creates and sustains healthy, vibrant, civil society and shows you how to get started…locally!

Click on the video below to watch Susan’s TED Talk!

Project type:

Placemaking, speaking / innovation, urban design


TEDx Beacon Street





Boston, MA

Event Date:

November 2014

Project Type:

Placemaking, speaking / innovation, urban design

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