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Connecting history, local businesses, and open space to create a strong local and regional destination

The Chepachet Village Revitalization planning process built on all previous planning efforts to develop a targeted revitalization plan for Chepachet Village to create a five-year implementation and investment plan to identify opportunities for scattered site affordable housing integrated within mixed-use development, preserve historic resources, strengthen and expand small businesses, improve recreational resources, improve buildings and infrastructure, implement creative re-use of property, increase tourism and develop infill recommendations.


CivicMoxie led the team that also included economic development and business outreach, as well as historic preservation planning through a process to assess current properties, envision improvements and target investments in Chepachet Village. This revitalization plan builds on over two decades of investment by the Town of Glocester and recommends innovative ways to redevelop Chepachet Village in compliance with the Town’s recently updated Comprehensive Plan through incentives and available funding sources while maintaining its rural character as a historic village center.

Project type:

Community revitalization, corridor / main streets, downtown / district plan, urban design

Project Name:

Chepachet Village Revitalization Plan



Town of Glocester, RI


Glocester, RI


September 2020

Project Type:

Community revitalization, corridor / main streets, downtown / district plan, urban design

Project Team:

CivicMoxie (lead)

Karl F. Seidman Consulting

Jeffrey Gonyeau Preservation Services

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