The many villages, hamlets, and commercial districts of the town offer opportunity for increased collaboration to support arts, culture, and commerce.

Cultural asset mapping included analysis of median income and location of cultural assets and amenities to create a baseline for public art and investment decisions.

CivicMoxie provided three action kits for the plan to help jump-start the project.

The many villages, hamlets, and commercial districts of the town offer opportunity for increased collaboration to support arts, culture, and commerce.
Creating a cohesive, unified cultural plan in a town composed of 30 incorporated villages and 20 unincorporated hamlets
North Hempstead, NY is a town on the north shore of Long Island composed of 30 incorporated villages, and a large number of unincorporated hamlets. Situated directly to the east of New York City, North Hempstead is home to over 240,000 residents. CivicMoxie was hired to help complete North Hempstead’s first Cultural Master Plan, which provides direction for the future of its arts, culture, and heritage initiatives within the town. The ultimate goal of the plan is to support and build upon North Hempstead’s existing resources and encourage arts and culturally-driven economic development within the area. Early in the planning process, outreach to business owners and commercial districts revealed significant aligned interests for culture and commerce and the resulting plan builds a framework of support for strong collaboration by recommending the creation of a Culture, Commerce, and Tourism organization to coordinate economic development and provide unified marketing and programs for businesses, artists, and creative endeavors. The Plan provided a CivicMoxie signature tool—Action Kits--- in the areas of marketing, organization start-up, and ground floor vacant storefront activation strategies.
Project type:
Arts and culture, community engagement, community revitalization, placemaking